Plein Air Painting in Cape May PT 605CM
with Joseph Sweeney
Join Joe Sweeney for an outdoor, in-person, plein air painting retreat in beautiful Cape May, New Jersey! Experience small town hospitality while painting Cape May Point, the Cove with sweeping vistas, Cape May Lighthouse, and Sunset Beach. Instruction includes tips on choosing a prime location, reading the weather and light at a particular time of day, and setting up a landscape palette. Instruction is geared towards oil, acrylic and pastel, but experienced watercolorists are welcome. Health-safety measures, including masking and social-distancing, will be practiced.
Register by: September 17
Schedule: 4 days, Thursday through Sunday, September 23 – 26, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
For more information and recommended accommodations, email
For more information and recommended accommodations, email:
Materials List: Sweeney PT 605CM