Congratulations to the awardees!
Award | First Name | Last Name | Piece Name |
First Place | Isabelle | Staub | Cowgirl |
Second Place | Ulana | Zahajkewycz | Torte Tussle |
Third Place | Rachel | Perciphone | Pond Maiden |
Honorable Mention | Tim | Ogline | We Survived the Holocaust graphic novel – p42 |
Honorable Mention | Jane | Rovins | I’ll Wait in the Lobby |
Honorable Mention | Kasey | Uhter | Liberty |
student category | |||
First Place Student Category | Kasey | Uhter | I’m Alive |
Second Place Student Category | Gabriella | Ellis | Ablution |
Third Place Student Category | Josephine | Rowley | City Living |